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News | T&T Hardmetalen Gereedschappen

Christmas Donation 2024

This year, our yearly €500,- Christmas donation goes to ‘Wijkhuis de Geseldonk’, and is used for ‘De Huiskamer’. De Huiskamer is a project from Kansrijk Mierlo-Hout. On Mondays and Wednesdays, volunteers will take care of people who suffer from a mild form of dementia, so that their caregivers can do something else for a while.

Welcome Jolanda

Jolanda joined our team in November 2023. This lady doesn’t like to sit still and knows how to get things done. She is good at surface grinding and grinding to an accuracy of 0,001 mm is no problem for her. She fits perfectly within our team and she is having a great time.

Christmas donation 2023

This year our Christmas donation of € 500,= goes to the ALS Netherlands Foundation and then specifically to the initiative ‘Tour du Ventoux’. This 12th edition will take place on Thursday, June 13, 2024 and many hundreds of people will conquer the climb to Mont Ventoux in France by cycling, running and walking. This way […]

Welcome Wesley!

Since August, our team has expanded to include Wesley. He is going to strengthen our carbide turning department and is looking forward to it. We wish him every success.

New employee

Let’s introduce this lady, this is Malissa Smeijers and started with us on January 2nd in the polishing department. After all, ladies have fingerspitzengefühl and is therefore completely in place. We wish her every success.

Welcome Thom Manders!

As of 1 December 2022, Thom Manders will join the T&T team. He has been working at T&T a few days a week for some time during his studies and is therefore already familiar with the company, the people and the culture. He joins the management team and will support the purchasing and sales department […]

ISO-9001:2015 has successfully completed

T&T Hardmetaal Gereedschappen BV has successfully completed the certificate audit for its quality management system ISO-9001:2015 and the certificate is valid again until 14 March 2025.

New employee

On June 17th 2021, the 17-year-old and very enthusiastic Kevin Meertens was added to our group. He will follow the training to become a toolmaker. We wish him every success and job satisfaction.

Christmas donation

This year our Christmas donation of € 500 will go to the Hartgroep Nederland Foundation, an organization that stands up for the interests of Heart and Vascular patients, their loved ones, counselors and carers

No delays

During these difficult times we can still manufacture and deliver your tools as agreed. Our lead times are still 4-5 weeks and are no problem. To date, we still maintain our stocks and we have no delays in getting materials and supplies.

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